Reserch Institutes

2019-01-04  社科处英文网站

教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地Key Research Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education
  1.敦煌学研究所    Institute of Dunhuang Studies of Lanzhou University         
  2.西北少数民族研究中心 Research Center for Ethnic Minorities in Northwest China  of Lanzhou University

教育部区域和国别研究培育基地 Research and Incubation Center for International and Regional Studies of the Ministry of Education
  1.中亚研究所Institute for Central Asian Studies of Lanzhou University

教育部国别和区域研究中心 (备案)Research Center for International and Regional Studies of the Ministry of Education (Approved)
  1.意大利研究中心 Research Center for Italy  
  2.格鲁吉亚研究中心Research Center for Georgia
  3.阿富汗研究中心  Research Center for Afghanistan  
  4.印度研究中心Research Center for India

甘肃省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地Key Research Bases of Humanities and Social Sciences in Gansu Province
  1.中国西部循环经济研究中心 Research Center for Circular Economy in Western China
  2.社会与经济发展研究评价中心   Research and Assessment Center for Social and Economic Development
  3.西部地区区域经济发展与区域政策研究中心Research Center for Regional Economic Environment and Regional Policy in Western China 
  4.中国政府绩效管理研究中心 Research Center for Chinese Government Performance Management
  5.思想政治教育理论与实践创新研究中心 Research Center for Educational Theory and Practical Innovation in Ideological and Political Work

甘肃省哲学社会科学重大研究基地Major Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Gansu Province
  1.丝绸之路经济带建设研究中心Research Center for the Silk Road Economic Belt of Lanzhou University

甘肃高校精准扶贫智库Targeted Poverty Alleviation Think Tank of Universities in Gansu Province
  1.社区发展与反贫困研究智库Think Tank for Community Development and Poverty Alleviation

甘肃高校新型智库New Types of Think Tanks in Gansu Province
  1.生态文明建设研究与评估中心Research and Assessment Center for Ecological Civilization Construction   
  2.社会舆论调查与舆情研判中心Public Opinion Survey and Research Center
  3.高校思想政治教育舆情与对策研究中心Research Center for Public Opinion and Strategies for Ideological and Political Work in Universities