The Journal of Lanzhou University( Social Sciences) Was Included on the List of Core Journals of

2019-01-02  社科处英文网站

On 16th Nov., CECHSS issued the AMI Comprehensive Evaluation Report of CSSCI (2018) ( Report) on  the 5th National Journals of Humanities and Social Sciences Summit and Journal Evaluation Conference. The Journal of Lanzhou University( Social Sciences) was included on the list of core journals of comprehensive university journals. This classification includes 244 journals, with 4 authoritative journals, 74 core journals and 166 extended journals.

The evaluation on Chinese journal of humanities and social sciences is the first major evaluation project launched after the establishment of CECHSS (predecessor of Evaluation Research Institute) in 2014. This project evaluates journals by mainly focusing on attraction power, management power and impact power. AMI comprehensive evaluation index system of Chinese humanities and social sciences journals (AMI journal A, 2018) is composed of 3 first-level indexes, 10 second-level indexes and 24 third-level indexes. And journals are evaluated on the basis of the Chinese humanities and social sciences journals citation database(CHSSCD), built by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Evaluation to 1,291 Chinese humanities and social sciences journals (founded in 2012 and before), 164 newly-founded journals (founded or renamed in 2013-2017) and 68 English journals was issued on the AMI Comprehensive Evaluation Report of CSSCI (2018).

The annual journal evaluation of 2018 was divided into 3 major subject categories, 23 subject categories and 33 subject subcategories. According to the academic level, comprehensive evaluation score and actual performance of the journal, journals were divided into 5 levels: the top, the authoritative, the core, the extended and the warehousing. 5 top journal, 56 authoritative journals, 519 core journals and 711 extended journals were selected out in 1,291 Chinese humanities and social sciences journals.